After completing our general research on our tech topic, we looked at the information we found and came up with a list of technologies we thought were important to know about. My group decided to do further research into computer-assisted instruction, speech-to-text software, text-to-speech applications, and SMARTBoards on how they can be used in the classroom to help students with learning disabilities. For my part of the project, I researched how SMARTBoards can be used in the classroom to help students with learning disabilities. SMARTBoards is a technology that was introduced to me when I was in grade four and some teachers were getting SMARTBoards installed in their classrooms, one of the classrooms being mine. Learning disabilities are very common and at least one or more students will have them in the classroom, which is why I was inspired to look into this topic. In addition, SMARTBoards are something commonly seen in schools so I wanted to look into how SMARTBoards could help students. Although SMARTBoards are expensive and are not commonly being installed into school anymore, there are many classrooms and schools that already have SMARTBoards installed that student teachers may be using once they get their teaching degrees. I learned a lot from my research on SMARTBoards, as well as from the research done by my other group members on their topics. For all of the research that we have done wem created a document (attached below) compiled with the information that we found.

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