Category: EdTech Inquiry

Tech Inquiry Class Presentations

For the last three weeks of class, our tech group projects have been presented to each other in front of the class. My group presented during week one…

ED Tech Presentation

 I thought the presentation of our project went very well. Everyone in my group did a good job finding information on their topic and present it in an…

SMARTBoard Research

After completing our general research on our tech topic, we looked at the information we found and came up with a list of technologies we thought were important…

Specific Topic Research

For this week’s class, our ed tech groups were given the opportunity to spend class time working on our project. We first signed up for what day we…

General Topic Research

After discussing our technology inquiry ideas with other members of the class, I was able to find other people in the class interested in the same topic, to…

Using Technology to Help Students with Learning Disiabilities

I am not a very technology savvy person, but I am open and willing to learn. I know that technology has started moving into the classroom more and…