After discussing our technology inquiry ideas with other members of the class, I was able to find other people in the class interested in the same topic, to group up with. We decided to do our project on how technology is being used in the classroom to help students with learning disabilities. This is a topic I am extremely interested and I am looking forward to finding more information on. Our group decided that we would create weekly goals for our project, in order to keep on track of what needs to be done for the project. This week’s goal is to do general research on our topic. After that, we will then be able to divide our topic into different categories for each group member to research. In addition to this, our group has also been trying to create other questions that will help answer our big inquiry question, which will make our research easier. Some of the questions that we developed are “what types of technology can be used for different learning disabilities” and “which type of technology can be used to help students with a wide range of learning styles.” Through the project I will be able to learn about different technology that I can implement into my classroom that will benefit a large number of students, when I become a teacher .

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