I decided to learn two different strumming patterns that when played one after the other will make a third strumming pattern. I thought that this would be a good idea because once I had become better at the two strumming patterns, I would be able to combine them together to practice something more difficult.  I found these strumming from the website linked bellow. The first pattern I learned was a “D D U U D U” pattern that I will be using when I learn the song  “Stand by me” by Ben E King. The second pattern was a “U D U U D” pattern, with D meaning down and U meaning up. Both of which were using the chord C. In order to learn these strumming patterns, I focused on one pattern at a time, breaking the pattern into two pieces. I would then practice each piece separately and when I improved, I put the whole strumming pattern together. Once I was able to play each strumming pattern, I started practicing them together. The combined strumming pattern look like this “D D U U D U U D U U D”. I started learning this by playing the first strumming pattern and adding the first half of the second pattern at the end. Then slowly added more and more of the second strumming pattern until I was able to play the full pattern. It took me a while to learn this, but after a great amount of practice, I got better.

Ukulele Strumming Patterns: The 13 Most Useful Ones