This week I tried the stitches from the website that I found a few weeks ago (attached below).  I picked five stitches from the website that I thought were interesting and may come in handy with my lavender flower embroidery design. The first stitch I tried was the running stitch, I thought this stitch turned out well and could be useful for other projects, or a simple garment fix. Next I tried the french knot stitch, I like how this stitch turned out and I have a few ideas on how I could use this stitch to make a lavender flower. The third stitch I tried was the stem stitch. Although I am doing a project with flowers I want to use the split stitch for the stem of the flowers. However, I would definitely use the stem stitch for other flower embroidery in the future. The forth stritch I tried was the chain stitch. I wasn’t sure how this stitch would turn out because it was somewhat similar to the daisy stitch that I didn’t do well on. However, to my surprise the chain stitch turned out very well. Lastly I tried the seed stitch. This stitch turned out to be very simple and would be useful when filling in a design. This stitch is something that I would see using in the future on other projects. My plan for this week is to try a couple more lavender stitches and decide what lavender flower design I am going to go with for my project. Once I decide this I can start working on my final project, embroidering the my backpack.

Listed bellow is an eplanation of what stitch is done in what color in the picture.

Running stitch: green

French knot: orange

Chain stitch: brown

Stem stitch: blue

Seed stitch: red