Category: edci306a
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After learning the two songs, I still want to continue practicing these songs. I have a hard time not looking at the placement of my fingers while playing…
The second song that I learned was “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie (the Canadian Version). This was a song that I heard a lot in…
The first song that I learned was “Stand By Me,” by Ben E. King. This was a song that I heard a lot of either from the radio…
Bellow is a video of myself playing the ukulele. The first three strumming paterns are in C chord and then following this, the order of chords goes A,…
When I was creating my music growth plan, I did not realize how many chords I would need to memorize. I made the decision that what would be…
I decided to learn two different strumming patterns that when played one after the other will make a third strumming pattern. I thought that this would be a…
When I first picked up the ukulele, I had a hard time strumming the instrument, as well as trying to tune it. To solve the tunning problem I…