Category: Free Inquiry

Back Pack Embroidery Part 2

I started and finished the flower embroidery on my backpack. I loved how it turned out and I am glad I choose the design with the two colours…

Back Pack Embroidery Part 1

I have started embroidering my backpack for my final project. So far it has been going well, but I have run into a couple set backs. The first…

Lavender Flower Final Design

I created two more lavender flowers designs to try before picking what flower design to use for my embroidery project. The first design that I decided to try…

Learning New Stitches

This week I tried the stitches from the website that I found a few weeks ago (attached below).  I picked five stitches from the website that I thought…

Goal Setting

This week I have tried making another lavender flower from a design that I found from a video (cited below). The flower required a simple split stitch on…

Final Design for Backpack

I have done some sketches of some potential designs of what I would like to embroider on my backpack. My first sketch was of a forest in front…

Embroidrey Inquiry

Over the past couple years I have become very interested in embroidery through one of my friends I used to volunteer with. Since then, I have bought my…